🇩🇪Germany @meyertox

Account created on 16 June 2014, about 10 years ago

Recent comments

🇩🇪Germany meyertox

Ok, the button to continue is named "try again". In previous releases the update procedure continued only at this stage only if all warnings disappeared.

In the 9.4.10 the "try again" button continues the update procedure. So everything is fine.

🇩🇪Germany meyertox

Same problem (Installation of 9.4.10) with PHP 7.4.30 during update.php on th "verfying requirements page": Update stops with "7.4.30
Your PHP installation is too old. Drupal requires at least PHP 8.0. It is recommended to upgrade to PHP version 8.0 or higher for the best ongoing support. "

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