Thanks, this patch works for me.
Downgrade of doctrine/depreciations to 1.1.3 in #14 works for me.
it's works for me too.
Thank you.
Patch from #45 works for me too.
Thank you.
This patch works for me too.
Thank you.
I have the same error on 10.3.1 and when donwgrade to 10.2.7 it works again.
There is part of my code :
$paragraphs['left_block'][] = $entityTypeManager->getViewBuilder('paragraph')->view($entityTypeManager->getStorage('paragraph')->load($paragraph_id), 'at_the_moment');
Then i insert this in a render array
$build['at_the_moment_block'] = [
'#theme' => 'atm_block',
'#elements' => [
'paragraphs' => $paragraphs,
"atm_block" it's my custom theme
'atm_block' => array(
'variables' => array('elements' => NULL),
'template' => 'atm-block'
My part of twig
{% for paragraph in elements.paragraphs.left_block %}
<li class="carousel-list-item">{{ paragraph }}</li>
{% endfor %}
This works on 10.2.7 but i have the same error on 10.3.1.
I don't understand that the problem is on the view paragraph render array.
Thank you
MR 21 works for me.
Patch from #46 works for me on 10.2.4
Good morning,
I found the solution to this problem by placing "URL handler" in the first position in the "Build stage" section of the advanced settings of the facet configuration