Account created on 23 April 2014, over 10 years ago

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🇫🇷France canardesign Montpellier

Same thing (not) happening here with Drupal 9.5.11

🇫🇷France canardesign Montpellier

Not working for me either, should we downgrade password_policy ?

🇫🇷France canardesign Montpellier

Hi, as the title says, I tried your snippet with no luck

$value = new FormattableMarkup('<i class="fas fa-search"></i>@text', ['@text' => '',]);
        $form['actions']['submit']['#value'] = $value;

removes the existing value, but the value remains empty.

🇫🇷France canardesign Montpellier

Thank you for the tip ! I had to set the palette this way in order to get it to work :
$element['#attached']['drupalSettings']['color_field']['color_field_widget_box']['settings'][$element['#uid']]['palette'] = $colors;

🇫🇷France canardesign Montpellier

Hi ! same problem here, on Drupal 9.5.7
On production server as well as on Xampp, no images styles are being generated, for any style.
File system seems ok, other website on Xampp generate style with no problem.
I know the problem comes from this website configuration or some module breaking the processing of image styles but how to debug this ?
I tried to dpm() in ImageStyleDownloadController::deliver and ImageStyle::createDerivative with no result.
Has anybody any idea on how to deal with this ?

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