Account created on 17 February 2014, over 10 years ago

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@jurgenhass, could you elaborate on #4 please? For now with now logic in place and have an event that when a certain webform is Viewed, it will close it and display a message. Message displays fine for just that webform, great but it's closing part that confused me. I have the close webform action in place and I see that you need an action before that, that somehow stores the entity id of the webform and passes it to the close webform action? I've tried to figure out what template that would be with no luck.

Anyway we can roll #3 into production? I've tested this and works great. Such a great module just needs this little part fixed.

I'm getting the same results using the same steps.

InvalidArgumentException: The configuration property doesn't exist. in Drupal\Core\Config\Schema\ArrayElement->get() (line 76 of /var/www/vhosts/

I think it's both, it would be nice if you could blank out the times on an exception (causing it to close) like normal hours And have that days open/close status change if there is an exception. An exception can now be blanked out to closed it (fixed in the dev) but the status always stayed that of the normal hours.

I like the separation of the exception. I tell my users those "normal" hours are like the hours etched into the glass on the front of a business and exceptions are the note you tape on the door for special days.

Works as intended.

I may be wrong but does an exception have anything to do with the current status? If I try a normal hours day that is closed and make an exception of 9-5 open, it still says closed as the status.

I also tried the new Seasons (excited) it also shows both sets of times and had no effect on the current status.

My use case is we have 20 plus eating locations, all with different hours. We set normal hours, then it would be ideal if we could make an exception of next Monday they are closed and it have an effect on the open/closed status. That way every friday they don't have to rush and change 20 locations and rush on Tuesday to change them all back.

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