Account created on 14 January 2014, over 10 years ago
  • Team Leader / System Administrator at CKSource 

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🇵🇱Poland vokiel Poland

Still needs a decision if this should be in the General Profile or individual profiles.

I would go with individual profiles as they usually have different purpose. So for example Basic one for comments, where you don't want to allow only Twitter but no YT videos. For Full HTML you want to allow much more, as this is for content creators only.

Other solution would be to keep the General profile as the default and overwrite them with individual profiles if they are set.

🇵🇱Poland vokiel Poland

@Spokje the patch solves the issue.

I have one concern though, that this change applies do the Global settings. IMHO it should be set per profile instead.

🇵🇱Poland vokiel Poland

Applied patch #15 with minor update for MediaEmbed plugin.

🇵🇱Poland vokiel Poland

Updated link to non-drush Quick Start guide.

Production build 0.71.5 2024