I have the same problem. Can someone help me with a few more details regarding the solution, please?
Do I need to export the complete archive or certain elements? Which would be the elements that I need to export > manually adjust > import?
I am also facing the issue that the autocomplete is working for ananymous users but not for logged-in users (including admin). Just installed 10.2.17 version of this module but still not working.
Does anybody has an idea how I can resolve this problem?
Did you find a solution to make it work with BEF? I am also having trouble to get the filters appear with BEF enabled.
After applying the patch I get this error:
TypeError: Illegal offset type in isset or empty in Drupal\vefl\Vefl->getLayoutOptions() (Zeile 63 in /web/modules/contrib/vefl/src/Vefl.php)
Using Drupal 9.5.11 and version 8.x-3.0 of this module.
I don't know how to fix this. Does someone have an idea?
Does somebody know how the get this module running? The mentioned error above prevents me from creating node translations.
I have the same issue.
The provided patch does not fix this. Getting this error now:
TypeError: Drupal\add_translation\AddTranslation::__construct(): Argument #4 ($loggerFactory) must be of type Drupal\Core\Logger\LoggerChannelFactory, Drupal\redirect_404\Render\Redirect404LogSuppressor given, called in /web/core/lib/Drupal/Component/DependencyInjection/Container.php on line 259 in Drupal\add_translation\AddTranslation->__construct() (Zeile 58 in web/modules/contrib/add_translation/src/AddTranslation.php)
Thanks, I tried to add the XING Button (SVG) but it doesn't show up corretly. It is present in the code but the color that I have defined for the social sharing buttons does not apply to the XING button. Please see screenshot attached.
I need the XING icon as well. Will it be submitted soon?
I am facing the same issue.
Does somebody figure out a workaround for this?