🇪🇸Spain @taote

Account created on 24 March 2008, almost 17 years ago

Recent comments

🇪🇸Spain taote

Fixed darvanen.

I don't know why the modules that I have installed via composer inside a folder called contrib in modules, they were duplicated inside another folder called custom. So I think Drupal was using the wrong module version.

🇪🇸Spain taote

I don't know why the patch is not working for me. Patch applied, cache emptied and same error.

🇪🇸Spain taote

I have a similar problem:

'check_roles' is not a supported key.
'tablesaw_type' is not a supported key.
'tablesaw_persist' is not a supported key.
'clean_all' is not a supported key.
'insert_before' is not a supported key.
'insert_after' is not a supported key.
'replace_empty' is not a supported key.

After doing the grep -rnw ./ -e "type: filter" I got the following result:

./editor_button_link/config/schema/editor_button_link.schema.yml:3:  type: filter
./responsive_table_filter/config/schema/responsive_table_filter.schema.yml:2:  type: filter
./responsive_tables_filter/config/schema/responsive_tables_filter.schema.yml:11:  type: filter
./ckeditor/tests/modules/config/schema/ckeditor_test.schema.yml:10:  type: filter
./insert_block/config/schema/insert_block.schema.yml:2:type: filter
./linkit/config/schema/linkit.schema.yml:95:  type: filter
./pathologic/config/schema/pathologic.schema.yml:21:  type: filter

So, if I have understood well, the problem is that these values are not defined in the schema file for these modules.

How come modules so popular as Linkit and Pathologic have these problems? Is it necessary to create a patch for each module? Or is there a way to do fix it from a custom module?

🇪🇸Spain taote

Same thing happening here. Drupal 10.3 version and the following CKEditor modules installed:

  • CKEditor 5 Bootstrap Buttons (c5bb)
  • CKEditor 5 Paste Filter (ckeditor5_paste_filter)
  • CKEditor5 Bootstrap Tabs (ckeditor_bootstrap_tabs)
  • CKEditor Bootstrap Grid (ckeditor_bs_grid)
  • CKEditor 5 Link Styles (ckeditor_link_styles)
  • CKEditor Quote (ckeditor_quote)
🇪🇸Spain taote

How can I configure a custom style created with the solution proposed at #3 to appear at the bottom of the list?

For example, the custom heading created with the CKEditor5 Aside is the first in the list, and I would prefer it to be the last.

🇪🇸Spain taote

I applied the patch in #16 and added that function to my module and I got this error:

AssertionError: assert($plugin_definitions['ckeditor5_heading'] instanceof CKEditor5PluginDefinition) in assert()

🇪🇸Spain taote

Same here with Drupal 10 installation. Alt text is optional and no custom widgets.

🇪🇸Spain taote

I think I have found what the problem was. In configuration I wasn't including https:// for The Base Domain of the site.

It might be a good idea to check before saving the form if https:// or http:// is included.

Thanks for your help.

🇪🇸Spain taote

Hi daflanagan8, I forgot to check the log entries.

I have sent another url (https://lemonthink.com/servicios/web/medicos) through the bulk update and this is the error in the recent log entries:

  • Type: Google Index API
  • Message: Invalid attribute. 'url' is not in standard URL format: lemonthink.com/servicios/web/medicos
🇪🇸Spain taote

Hi again.

I'm still having this problem, that patch didn't fix it.

I'm not an expert with the Google APIs, I just can see in the graphs that for all the requests have the response code 400.

I have configured the module following the instructions. I don't know what else to do to fix it. If somebody can please help me.

🇪🇸Spain taote

In my case this warning shows when in hook_form_alter I do something like:

$form['field_texto_cabecera']['#states'] = [
			    	'visible' => [
						'select[name="field_tipo_de_cabecera"]' => array(['value' => 'texto'], ['value' => 'image'], ['value' => 'video'], ['value' => 'slider'])

The patch works, but I need to patch the core everytime I update it. Is there another way to fix this without patching the core?

🇪🇸Spain taote

Yes, thank you, updating Linkit fixes it. The problem was that I had another version manually installed and patched to had it ready to Drupal 10. I deleted it and installed it with Composer and now it's fixed. Thanks.

🇪🇸Spain taote

smustgrave you are right, my fault. The problem was that the cursor wasn't positioned on an element that could be styled. I'm used to CKEditor4, where I don't think this happens. Sorry.

🇪🇸Spain taote

How can I download this version to test it?

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