This error i faced when I imported the database with some errors.
In my case i removed the INSERT queries from search_index and search_total table from the SQL file and imported the database again and database imported successfully without any errors.
I updated to Drush 10.6.2 with Drupal - 8.9.20 and IT WORKS.
Thanks #31
In my case, we were using AWS Load Balancers.
Marking this issue as closed.
Please raise it in the corresponding module.
Hi Guys,
Am getting the below error when i am updating the drupal core from 8.8.1 to 8.9.20.
root@drupal:/var/www/html/vendor# drush status
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
drush -d status
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_database() [0.57 sec, 3.1 MB] [bootstrap]
Successfully connected to the Drupal database. [0.57 sec, 3.1 MB] [bootstrap]
Find command files for phase 4 (max=7) [0.57 sec, 3.1 MB] [debug]
Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_full() [0.57 sec, 3.1 MB] [bootstrap]
About to bootstrap the Drupal 8 Kernel. [0.57 sec, 3.1 MB] [debug]
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
cc: Manmathan M →
The below code do two jobs.
1. Remove the content associated to bundle.
2. Remove the bundle and associated fields with it as well.
$custom_entity_type = ''custom_entity';
$custom_bundle = 'custom_bundle';
$storage = \Drupal::service('entity_type.manager')->getStorage($custom_entity_type);
$bundle_key = \Drupal::service('entity_type.manager')->getDefinition($custom_entity_type)->getKey('bundle');
$entities = $storage->loadByProperties([$bundle_key => $custom_bundle]);
// Delete the bundle.
$bundle_type = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
Hi @volkswagenchick, I checked the profile and website of the registered user. It looks valid to me.
And yes, it seems an organization profile. Basically the user registered on to create their company profile.
I confirmed it. This profile looks fine.