yojohnyo β created an issue.
I will be taking a look at this.
yojohnyo β created an issue.
We are using the charts blocks module with a variety of chart types that are being placed via layout builder.
yojohnyo β created an issue.
yojohnyo β created an issue.
yojohnyo β created an issue.
It didn't work to delete the group_content_field_data. I was able to uninstall the patch with code like this:
$entity_id_definition = \Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition::create('entity_reference')
->setDescription(t('The entity to add to the group.'))
->setDisplayOptions('form', [
'type' => 'entity_reference_autocomplete',
'weight' => 5,
'settings' => [
'match_operator' => 'CONTAINS',
'size' => '60',
'placeholder' => '',
->setDisplayConfigurable('view', TRUE)
->setDisplayConfigurable('form', TRUE)
I'm having the same issue as #286 β¨ Entities identified by strings as group content Closed: won't fix . Has anyone found a solution for this?
yojohnyo β created an issue.