Account created on 11 March 2013, almost 12 years ago

Merge Requests

Recent comments

This patch still works applied to the 4.3.X branch. Would someone be able to look at this issues and let me know if this can be included in the next release? Or how you would like this change proposed?

Looks like 2 days ago there was an update to tvdijen/ws-security that locked a saml2 version that breaks the composer dependencies and causes #49 to stop working. I don't see versioning on that dependency any thoughts? Seems like this is a constantly moving target.

#28 I have set up a ^10.1.x-dev@dev with the simplesamlphp dependencies in #29 and get an error related to a saml2. Does anyone else see this sort of error when using these composer dependencies? It looks like somewhere along the line the saml container doesn't get created or is dropped. Is there a place were this container should be created in the simplesamlphp_auth module?

Uncaught PHP Exception Error: "Typed static property SimpleSAML\\SAML2\\Compat\\ContainerSingleton::$container must not be accessed before initialization"

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