joshi.rohit100 โ created an issue.
joshi.rohit100 โ created an issue.
joshi.rohit100 โ created an issue.
joshi.rohit100 โ created an issue.
joshi.rohit100 โ created an issue.
MR is merged in 2.x branch
for the workaround, could be to implement hook_mail_alter() and replaced the generation of encoded header with D9 implementation in custom module.
joshi.rohit100 โ created an issue.
Thanks for the contribution!
Thanks! MR is merged!
Thanks for the contribution
Added the initial module for feedback.
Attached screenshots of the admin form and output
joshi.rohit100 โ created an issue.
This is already fixed in ๐ Fix linting warnings on README.MD Fixed and ๐ Drupal Coding Standards Issues | phpcs Fixed . pls check with latest dev version
This is merged!
This is merged!
Fixed some coding standards
Adding patch
Merged! Thanks!
joshi.rohit100 โ made their first commit to this issueโs fork.
Merged! Thanks!
joshi.rohit100 โ made their first commit to this issueโs fork.
joshi.rohit100 โ created an issue.
So test failed patch failed which looks correct. Thus marking this needs review Patch #4 can be used!
This is just a failed test patch (No need to merged this)
Added annotation on test class
Adding test
joshi.rohit100 โ created an issue.
joshi.rohit100 โ created an issue.
This is fixed!
missed uploading patch
Added patch
This is fixed!
Fixed newline issue
Patch added!
This is fixed!
This is now available in 3.1.1 release. Thanks for contributing.
Created D10 release!
Merged and tagged new release 7.x-1.2
Closing as not required
Uploading a patch for failing test to validate
joshi.rohit100 โ created an issue.
Adding test case for ::isSprinklrFeatureEnabled() and ::isSprinklrEnabledForCurrentNode() helpers of the SprinklrHelper service
I am also facing the same issue and not working even with providing the -c option for phpunit file.
Not sure if this is because of some. directory path issue.
Project setup is like below -
Root project directory with vendor folder
-- docroot directory
-- -- core directory
joshi.rohit100 โ created an issue.
joshi.rohit100 โ created an issue.