🇮🇹Italy @fadeslayer

Account created on 4 October 2012, over 12 years ago

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🇮🇹Italy fadeslayer

I have just encountered the same problem.

Drupal 9.5.7
Domain 8.x-1.0-beta8 or 2.0.x-dev, I tried both with the same result.

I have found a working trick, but I think this is a serious issue I encounter since the first D8 version I used 6 years ago...


- Enable Domain access control on Content here: /admin/config/domain/entities and save
- Go to Content configure page clicking on Operations button besides Content (or browse to /admin/config/domain/entities/node)
- Enable both domain entity access and domain entity source (the second appears after checking the first) and set "User choose affiliate" under "Choose which behaviour..." select field.

You then find a couple more fields in content type field list, named "domain_access" and "domain_source". Using this "domain_source" field instead of the "original" one works (view link features selected domain, every access to content from another domain brings a 403 error). It doesn't force redirect, though.

An issue of this trick is that in Content admin view, Assign/remove content to domain actions are referring the "original" fields so they don't work.

I think this is a critical problem that needs urgent solutiom

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