Account created on 19 September 2012, almost 12 years ago

Recent comments

Pere Orga Catalonia

@AstonVictor In Drupal 7, we have a feature that allows content managers to change the background color by using a color field. That way, the color is stored in the entity, and can be changed per entity.

In Drupal 10, it would be great to have support for Color Field and Color API module fields to restore this functionality.

Pere Orga Catalonia

This seems a valid feature request. I'm updating the title, as this is not only about accessibility.

Pere Orga Catalonia

Sorry, should be fixed now. Thank you for your message!

I thought I had properly attributed credit in the commit message, and I was not aware that these checkboxes did anything.

Pere Orga Catalonia

Thanks everybody. Dev and beta releases have been created. Let's continue the discussion at πŸ“Œ Automated Drupal 10 compatibility fixes Fixed

Pere Orga Catalonia

4.0.0-beta1 created too, which is now visible in the project page.

Pere Orga Catalonia

I personally don't have time at this moment, so this is currently not planned. But PR (and eventually, reviews of PR) are welcome.

Production build 0.69.0 2024