ipumpkin β created an issue.
@catcat811 Thanks for your work.
Hi, guys, you can set text format in settings page /admin/config/development/entity-theme-engine
Thank you for the infomation.
you can create a widget for node article with template content {{ dump(_context) }}, and then go to the node article page /node/1.
The widget will effect where the entity displayed.
Hi guys,
Where to use the widget after creating it?
The widget is created for render entity with specific entity type/entity bundle/view mode/theme, the module will automictic render your template when all above condition match.
Is it used on any editor that supports Twig filters?
twig filter is not required, you can use any filter allow twig code
Then using like {{field_name.value}} to get the content of field?
that's right, Use {{ dump(_context) }} to debug avaliable variables.
When I tested like this, I didn't get anything by the field. Test by drupal 10.2.4
you can try to test on node/article
Additionally, when I click Save and Continue Editing button, the page prompts: The website encountered an unexpected error. Try again later.
this is a bug fixed in version 1.7
ipumpkin β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
ipumpkin β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
Huge +1
ipumpkin β created an issue.
ipumpkin β changed the visibility of the branch 3137221-create-group-role to hidden.
ipumpkin β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
Great job, works with maestro 3.1.0
Open fix PR.
ipumpkin β created an issue.
add readme file and open PR
ipumpkin β changed the visibility of the branch 3441925-documentation-for-usage to hidden.
ipumpkin β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
Confirmed patch with Webform 6.2.2 and Devel 5.1.2
Moving to RTBC.
ipumpkin β changed the visibility of the branch 3420881-maestrowebformworkflowstateiftask-doesnt-work to hidden.
ipumpkin β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.