The patch in comment #2 is only compatible with version 5.1.1. I'm attaching the patch for v5.1.0.
Here is a patch to resolve the issue.
balazswmann → created an issue.
After some investigation it looks like that the related method is Drupal\menu_link_content\Plugin\Menu\MenuLinkContent::updateLink() which is called by Drupal\Core\Menu\MenuLinkManager::updateDefinition().
I can also confirm this issue. It affects me as well. Custom menu link content entity constraints are not triggered due to the lack of entity validation.
Unfortunately, these patches cannot be used anymore since Drupal 10.1. At least none of them which drops the primary key:
New transaction isolation level default for new sites for MySQL, MariaDB or equivalent databases →
Rewinding the iterator indeed a major performance issue on large data sets, but it can be circumvented by enabling [high water mark]( → ) check or adding its support to your custom source plugin based on [SqlBase::initializeIterator()](
Here is a nice article about the topic: [Speed up Your Drupal Migrations with Highwater Marks](
This problem affects me as well. Thank you @benjifisher very much for the investigation and root cause analysis. I run into this in the past could of days after a `8.x-1.27` => `8.x-1.30` update. I also realized that indexing got very very slow. In my case it takes more than 1 minute to index just 50 items but previously (with `8.x-1.27`) I didn't have problems.
I also use the HTML filter with the default settings and I need to index documents including around a couple of hundreds to several thousands of HTML tags (per document!).
I applied the patch from #9: let a user specify if her blog entries should be votable → ( 🐛 Performance issues after fixing 'PHP 8.1 preg_replace()' issue Needs review ) on `8.x-1.30` and it solved the problem for me. Now indexing is fast enough again. Thank you @drunken monkey!
Thanks for the patch in #4, it works.