Account created on 17 December 2007, about 17 years ago

Merge Requests

Recent comments

🇹🇷Turkey durum

Adding patch from the MR.

If the patch doesn't apply, follow the steps from this guide:

Add to your composer.json:

"config": {
    "preferred-install": {
        "drupal/paytr_payment": "source",
🇹🇷Turkey durum

It is very likely that the patch would make stop working your specific configuration, as it is only checking for format for a specific configuration. To get your project working, your projects configuration should be considered and a specific if check should be made.

A good solution would be putting some effort to make it Drupal-way so that the type check is generic.

🇹🇷Turkey durum

The patch from the former comment somehow stopped working. So, this gets even dirtier.

🇹🇷Turkey durum

A very unhandsome workaround would be as attached. Please review or suggest. Thank you.

🇹🇷Turkey durum

Attached is a quick & dirty fix to keep the functionality of a dev branch of a project.

I have no idea if it can introduce a security vulnerability, since this is a user registration related process. Please don't use in production until RTBC.

So please review.

🇹🇷Turkey durum

@Wim hi.

Sorry, if I am unnecessarily activating this dead issue.

I think we are facing this while trying to expose a custom API to an ERP system integration where we undertake CRUD operations for our entities facilitating foreign id's. We are seeing some inconsistencies during this operations.

I would be more than happy to dedicate quite good time and effort on this, if this is still doable and you can review and mentor the process.

To be brief now, I am not going into detail, but willing to provide more details and get instructions on how to continue.

🇹🇷Turkey durum

Christian hi!

I see the changes in the patch are already committed but the original problem still actually persists. Is there any other work left for this other than tests?


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