🇮🇳India @kunalkursija

Account created on 6 July 2012, almost 12 years ago

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🇮🇳India kunalkursija Mumbai

I am getting this error when enabling a new custom module on Drupal 9.5.10. The site is an old Drupal 8 site that has been upgraded to Drupal 9 a year back & it's a minimal Drupal profile. The steps that I performed were:

  • Created a new custom module directory & the info yml file.
  • Added custom migration yml in config/install directory. (Note: I don't have any other config files in config/install.)
  • In CLI, I did drush en - y custom_module_name and got the notice & warning saying No configuration objects have been updated..
  • Despite the notice & warning, The module gets enabled.

Even after applying the patches, The issue remains.

🇮🇳India kunalkursija Mumbai

Patch #67 on stage_file_proxy 8.x-1.1 worked for me. However, The application that I am working on serves the private files from the overridden path(not system/files). Hence I had to save the patch locally and make below changes:

  • The private files directory in my application is configured via settings.php in $settings['file_private_path'], So I updated the FetchManager.php file's code $file_dir = $this->fetchInfoService->getLocalSchemePath($fetchInfo->getScheme()); to $file_dir = \Drupal\Core\Site\Settings::get('file_private_path');. This ensures that stage_file_proxy saves the private files at the location from which they are read/served.
  • The functions getUrlBasePath() & getFetchInfo() of SfpPrivateStream.php class has hardcoded the paths system/files & system/files/styles respectively. However, In my case, the files were being served from different paths and hence I updated it to suit my need.

The above changes made the patch #67 work for me.

🇮🇳India kunalkursija Mumbai

I faced this today for doing paragraph_items to block_content migration, From Drupal 7 to Drupal 9. In my case, The block_content(of XYZ type) in D9 is translatable and paragraph_items in D7 were not translatable, But the nodes to which they are attached are translatable in D7.

I had to migrate all the revisions of the paragraphs[Not going into the details of work around paragraph's item-id/revision-id and node's nid/tnid to create revisions/translations of block_content].

When I ran the migration I faced a problem where the 'revisions' tab of the source translation showed more revisions than the actual count.

After looking into the tables, I sensed something was wrong with the 'revision_translation_affected' flag in tha DB table block_content_field_revision. And, Then I came across this issue and #6 by @firewaller. I used that solution by overriding the block_content entity's storage handler and it solved the problem and revisions tab started showing correct data.

🇮🇳India kunalkursija Mumbai

Added the incorrect patch. Adding the new one.

🇮🇳India kunalkursija Mumbai

I have tested the patch and the patternkit_block:BLOCK-ID cache tags are now getting invalidated only when a new node revision is created. This is how Drupal core is operating as well with custom-blocks. Things are looking good.

+1 on getting this merged in.

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