🇩🇪Germany @eric-alexander schaefer

Account created on 5 April 2005, almost 20 years ago

Recent comments

🇩🇪Germany eric-alexander schaefer Munich

Is there anything I can do to move this forward?

🇩🇪Germany eric-alexander schaefer Munich

After I upgraded to Drupal 10.3.6 all of the many "Getting node "filter" on a "Twig\Node\Expression\FilterExpression" class is deprecated" went away. Left were only the "spaceless" warnings. I tried to get rid of them though a combination of simply putting short passages onto one single line and in some cases I used "whitespace-control". After that all warnings were gone.

Please review the attached patch. I am not a twig expert and I might have screwed it up completely. Also, the last time I rolled a patch was probably more than a decade ago... :D

PHP 8.3.12
Drupal 10.3.6

🇩🇪Germany eric-alexander schaefer Munich

Patch works (which is no surprise). Please apply. Alternatively, I could also take over maintenance...

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