Sept-Îles, Québec, 🇨🇦
Account created on 11 November 2007, over 16 years ago
  • Senior Product Manager, and Co-Founder at Inc. at 

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🇨🇦Canada Francewhoa Sept-Îles, Québec, 🇨🇦

In #3448347 description, somehow there is a challenge with the H1 HTML tags. They no longer work after saved. I resolved this by adapting them to H2 tags.

🇨🇦Canada Francewhoa Sept-Îles, Québec, 🇨🇦

Done. To facilitate communications, reduced duplicate tickets. I adapted this ticket #3448347 title and description.

🇨🇦Canada Francewhoa Sept-Îles, Québec, 🇨🇦

For those interested in this. Find ticket at

This ticket #3448347 is now a duplicate of #3448348

🇨🇦Canada Francewhoa Sept-Îles, Québec, 🇨🇦

One big strength of DDEV is that it is legally controlled by a friendly NOT-for-profit organization called "The DDEV Foundation" :) Usually, NOT-FOR-profit organizations value people above money. For you, this means lower risk of future Lock-In.

In comparison, Lando and Docker4Drupal are legally controlled by FOR-profit organizations. Usually, FOR-profit organizations are at higher risk to value money above people :( Docksal's legal control intent is not yet know. Because it is neither controlled by a NOT-for profit nor a FOR-profit organization. :|

Details and sources at

🇨🇦Canada Francewhoa Sept-Îles, Québec, 🇨🇦

One big strength of DDEV is that it is legally controlled by a friendly NOT-for-profit organization called "The DDEV Foundation" :) Usually, NOT-FOR-profit organizations value people above money. For you, this means lower risk of future Lock-In.

In comparison, Lando and Docker4Drupal are legally controlled by FOR-profit organizations. Usually, FOR-profit organizations are at higher risk to value money above people :( Docksal's legal control intent is not yet know. Because it is neither controlled by a NOT-for profit nor a FOR-profit organization. :|

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Below is the same suggestion as above. But with details if you're interested in those.

For those not familiar with "Lock-In". In my suggestion above, I mean, for the PRESENT, a product is attractive because it is WITHOUT Lock-In. But in the FUTURE, there is a significant risk that the real intent of the FOR-profit organization is to slowly and increasingly add Lock-Ins. Meaning a risk that, in the future, you could be dependent on the product. In turn, also in the future, difficult and costly for you to move from their Lock-In product to another product without Lock-In. After the number of users reach a set level, FOR-profit organizations, often under the constant and increasing pressure from secret financial investors, use "Lock-In" short term strategy to monetize their users for the profit of their secret stakeholders. Details at

On the long term, the most successful products are most often those WITHOUT lock-in. Simply because the more lock-in an organization adds, the more users leave the product. In turn, without users, the product fades away and potentially risk being discontinued. Leaving you out dry with a no longer maintained product ;) In other words, by using a product controlled by FOR-profit organization, you risk exposing yourself to time-consuming and costly migration to another product.

Source legal control as of November 1st, 2023:

• DDEV is controlled by the NOT-FOR-profit organization "The DDEV Foundation". Source at

• Lando is controlled by the FOR-profit organization "Lando System, Inc.". Source at

• Docksal is not controlled by an organization. This means that in the future, Docksal could be controlled by either a FOR-profit or a NOT-FOR-organization. The creator and main maintainer of Docksal is "Leonid Makarov". Source

• Docker4Drupal is controlled by the FOR-profit organization "Wodby, Inc.". Source at

I am not saying that all FOR-profit organizations value money above people and always end up trying to fool you into Lock-Ins. I am saying that, when a product is legally controlled by a FOR-profit organization, the risk of Lock-in is obviously higher. Before exposing yourself those this, I suggest considering your resistance to Lock-Ins stress and cost.

Also, I suggest to keep in mind that, some owners of organizations, in good faith, are not yet aware of the future risks associated with FOR-profit organizations and the future benefits associated with NOT-for-profit organization. This means that in the future, some organizations could potentially switch their legal controlled from FOR-profit organization to NOT-for-profit organization.

For example, at first, DDEV was controlled by a FOR-profit organization. Then, in 2023, DDEV wisely switched full control to their NOT-for-profit organization. Which significantly boosted their popularity.

🇨🇦Canada Francewhoa Sept-Îles, Québec, 🇨🇦

For those facing this challenge and are locked out of their Drupal, these steps allow you to temporarily log in your Drupal without any patch and without hacking Drupal at 🐛 Maintenance mode blocks TOTP TFA entry Fixed

🇨🇦Canada Francewhoa Sept-Îles, Québec, 🇨🇦

For those facing this challenge, the steps below allows you to temporarily log in your Drupal without any patch:

  1. Using any file manager to your liking, temporarily move the tfa folder outside Drupal. For example:
    • From: /home/<VIRTUAL.SERVER>/public_html/sites/all/modules/contrib/admin_menu/tfa
    • To : /home/<VIRTUAL.SERVER>/temporary/tfa
  2. Using your any internet navigator to your liking, such as Firefox, go to https://<WEBSITE>/user
  3. Log-in
  4. Move the tfa folder back to: /home/<VIRTUAL.SERVER>/public_html/sites/all/modules/contrib/admin_menu/tfa
  5. You are now successfully still log-in your Drupal

Keep in mind that, in the future, after you log out, the challenge will be back. For a permanent resolution, you need to apply the appropriate patch above.

🇨🇦Canada Francewhoa Sept-Îles, Québec, 🇨🇦

This is to confirm that RickJ's patch resolves this challenge

Thanks to all contributors for resolving this

Could this patch be committed, please?

🇨🇦Canada Francewhoa Sept-Îles, Québec, 🇨🇦

For those interested to contribute to revolving this challenge #3372669, the Aegir documentation about creating Debian packages is at

Direct links. Which might be of interest:

🇨🇦Canada Francewhoa Sept-Îles, Québec, 🇨🇦

Updated outdated link to install and execute first test using Selenium WebDriver

🇨🇦Canada Francewhoa Sept-Îles, Québec, 🇨🇦

Updated outdated URL to Slenium WebDriver

🇨🇦Canada Francewhoa Sept-Îles, Québec, 🇨🇦

For those interested to contribute to this ticket/issue, in late 2022, Gitea was forked to I updated this ticket title accordingly.

For those not familiar with Forgejo, it has stronger privacy and security than Gitea. Simply because its code is control by a non-profit organization. Which value people above money. In comparison, starting in 2022, Gitea's code is control by a corporation. Which, according to its behaviors, value money above people.

Source and the successful resolution about this challenge at

🇨🇦Canada Francewhoa Sept-Îles, Québec, 🇨🇦

• Forgejo is a drop-in replacement for Gitea
• Libre Source (Open Source). If you are not familiar with "Libre Source", it means this software has both stronger security & stronger privacy. Because its code is publicly available for review and contributions at
• Attractive MIT license. This means the software code of this extension is owned and supported by a friendly not-for-profit community. Instead of a for-profit corporation. In comparison, Github, GitLab, Gitea are owned by for-profit corporation. Forgejo core and contributed modules are fully Libre Source. In comparison, GitLab core is Libre Source but all its contributed modules are Closed Source (Proprietary). GitLab business model is Open-Core only.
• Self-hosted
• Federated
• Kanban board
• Dark theme
• Self-hosted or SaaS at Codeberg is powered by Forgejo
• Visual design and workflow similar GitLab and Github. Which make migration and initial learning curve much easier.
• For those not familiar with the challenge with Gitea is that starting in October 2022 Gitea is owned and controlled by a for-profit company. The risk with for-profit company is that, usually, they value money above people. So in the future, it is very high risk that Gitea will introduce lock-ins to monetize. Functionalities available only if you pay. And increasingly make decision without involving the community or just ignore it. Why. Simply because legally speaking, for-profit organization communicate a clear intent that they value money above people. Above you ;)

___• "In October 2022 the domains and trademark of Gitea were transferred to a for-profit company without knowledge or approval of the community. Despite writing an open letter, the takeover was later confirmed." Source at:



___• One of many examples of people who migrated AWAY from Gitea is Codeberg. Since December 2022, Codeberg is now powered by Forgejo. Codeberg host over 50,000 projects and 40,000 users. Source:



--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

• Very basic time tracking, email notification on events, and Kanban board. In the future those popular features will likely grow. But for now there are very basic.

___• Time trackings do not yet have reporting features. This is essential for Product/Project Managers services.

___• Email notifications include only "Email on mention", "Enable", or fully "Disable Email Notification", and other options need to be enable for EACH user.

___• Kanban board can not easily be filtered to reduce the clutter. Which is challenging for large team.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Show Your Support:

• If you enjoy this application, show your support to the authors & contributors with:

___• Community support with tickets at

___• Report bugs at

___• Contribute documentation at

___• Patch at

🇨🇦Canada Francewhoa Sept-Îles, Québec, 🇨🇦

I added a fourth suggestion to consider for a Kanban Board for PM. How about this views_kanban module?


Benefit with views_kanban:

  • Very flexible
  • Most likely the easier module to integrate with PM. Because views_kanban is a Views.
  • Can be customized to PM liking. Again, because views_kanban is a Views.
  • Supports both Drupal 8 and 9
🇨🇦Canada Francewhoa Sept-Îles, Québec, 🇨🇦

For those interested in contributing to adding or using a Sprints and Backlogs for Drupal PM (Project Management), I suggest we use this dedicated other PM ticket for Drupal 10 at Sprints and Backlogs Postponed

🇨🇦Canada Francewhoa Sept-Îles, Québec, 🇨🇦

For easier search, and communication, clarified and simplified the ticket title

🇨🇦Canada Francewhoa Sept-Îles, Québec, 🇨🇦

For adding Agile Sprints and Backlogs in Drupal PM (Project Management), my vote goes to adding support for Burndown in PM. Three benefits with Burndown:

  • Burndown already has built-in Swimlines. Screenshot 1 . Screenshot 2 . Documentation . Those Swimline which can be used as Sprints or Backlogs. Details about this in my other comment #13 Sprints and Backlogs Postponed above.
  • Join efforts. Because jeremylichtman, the maintainer of Burndown, suggested it for PM. In his comment #16 📌 Port PM to Drupal 10 Active . Both pm and burndown modules could remain fully independent. While at the same time, jeremylichtman might be interested to facilitate the integration of burndown into pm. I suggest asking him.
  • Dedicated module. According to jeremylichtman, Burndown module is presently focusing its efforts on a Kanban board. So it might be easier for PM to support Burndown. In comparison, content_planner module is not focussed on a Kanban board. So it might be more challenge for pm to both support Content Planner.

This API approach 📌 Port PM to Drupal 10 Active also seems like a good idea. That I know of, Burndown does not presently have an API. But, in the future, jeremylichtman might be interested in adding this API feature to his Burndown module? In turn, PM and Burndown would be able to interact. Another benefit with an API approach is that PM could use various modules or external apps for a Kanban board. In other words, the end user could pick and choose a Kanban board to their liking. So more flexible and more durable. Because if somehow one Kanban board product is no longer available, the others would still be available.

🇨🇦Canada Francewhoa Sept-Îles, Québec, 🇨🇦

For easier reading, added text formatting to ticket summary

🇨🇦Canada Francewhoa Sept-Îles, Québec, 🇨🇦

For those interested in contributing to adding or using a Kanban board for Drupal PM (Project Management), I suggest we use this dedicated other PM ticket for Drupal 10 at Kanban Board Active

🇨🇦Canada Francewhoa Sept-Îles, Québec, 🇨🇦

For a Kanban board in Drupal PM (Project Management), my vote goes to adding support for Burndown in PM. Two benefits with Burndown:

  • Join efforts. Because jeremylichtman, the maintainer of Burndown, suggested it for PM. In his comment #16 📌 Port PM to Drupal 10 Active . Both pm and burndown modules could remain fully independent. While at the same time, jeremylichtman might be interested to facilitate the integration of burndown into pm. I suggest asking him.
  • Dedicated module. According to jeremylichtman, Burndown module is presently focusing its efforts on a Kanban board. So it might be easier for PM to support Burndown. In comparison, content_planner module is not focussed on a Kanban board. So it might be more challenge for pm to both support Content Planner.

This API approach 📌 Port PM to Drupal 10 Active also seems like a good idea. That I know of, Burndown does not presently have an API. But, in the future, jeremylichtman might be interested in adding this API feature to his Burndown module? In turn, PM and Burndown would be able to interact. Another benefit with an API approach is that PM could use various modules or external apps for a Kanban board. In other words, the end user could pick and choose a Kanban board to their liking. So more flexible and more durable. Because if somehow one Kanban board product is no longer available, the others would still be available.

🇨🇦Canada Francewhoa Sept-Îles, Québec, 🇨🇦

I clarified this ticket summary. As my suggestion is about adding a Kanban board to PM. Not about a specific Kanban option. There are many Kanban board options to choose from. I added two options. burndown or content_planner modules.

🇨🇦Canada Francewhoa Sept-Îles, Québec, 🇨🇦

Two additional options to consider for a Backlog:

Both modules above support Agile Kanban board. Using drag and drop.

The first column of a Kanban board is one option to create a Backlog. This column is often titled New. But can be renamed by the user to Backlog.

Optimally, adding Swimlines to a Kanban board could allow multiples simultaneous Backlog. In addition, Kanban Swimlines could be used as Springs.

Visual examples of Swimlines at

🇨🇦Canada Francewhoa Sept-Îles, Québec, 🇨🇦

Fixed minor typography. "of" insted of "on".

🇨🇦Canada Francewhoa Sept-Îles, Québec, 🇨🇦

Simplified wording. Removed duplicate words. To reduce risk of future broken link, added archived link to Moritz's blog.

🇨🇦Canada Francewhoa Sept-Îles, Québec, 🇨🇦

Fixed broken link to Moritz's blog

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