🇫🇷France herve.tubaldo
@jaydarbell had another issue, the "add another item" button didn't work at all for him, which is not my case. I have the same problem as @mkindred or the comments before.
I am using Drupal 10.3.9
🇫🇷France herve.tubaldo
Hello, thank you for your reply.
I am using the "Claro" theme and I have no errors in my browser console.
🇫🇷France herve.tubaldo
Hello, any news on this issue?
I have the same problem:
- I created a content type with a single shs field (Allowed number of values: unlimited)
- If I create a content and select 3 terms, the first selected is not saved
- If I select only one term, it works fine
🇫🇷France herve.tubaldo
Hello, I apply a patch with the latest changes and it's the same, sorry.
🇫🇷France herve.tubaldo
Thanks for your reply.
Indeed, the problem exists on the latest dev release, and MR #3463796 does not fix it.
🇫🇷France herve.tubaldo
herve.tubaldo → created an issue.