🇫🇷France @oturpin

Account created on 5 April 2012, about 12 years ago

Recent comments

🇫🇷France oturpin

Using 8.x-4.7 : I cannot update any user on openldap.
After applying patch from https://www.drupal.org/project/ldap/issues/3210293 🐛 Can't create LDAP entry -- undefined attribute type Needs review , I was able to create ldap entry.
But cannot apply any update:
"LDAP server ketoprofene exception: Could not add entry "uid=popeu,ou=users,dc=equidome,dc=fr": Already exists"
On my install , debug report crashes everytime:
[Wed Mar 27 14:03:58.705411 2024] [php:notice] [pid 906] [client] Uncaught PHP Exception InvalidArgumentException: "Class "\\Drupal\\ldap_servers\\Form\\DebuggingReviewForm" does not exist." at /home/oturpin/equiresa/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/DependencyInjection/ClassResolver.php line 24, referer: http://klipal/admin/reports/dblog

🇫🇷France oturpin

Propositions: Define some generic conditions which MUST apply when creating reservation : conditions may be written in php and should return a value of authorization : (sort of reservation validator)
ex : condition : "Starting time of reservation MUST be in open hours" => returns true or false
condition : "return of bike must be within 20:00 <-> 22:00"...

🇫🇷France oturpin

I am actually using LDAP module : Machine name: ldap_user Version : 8.x-4.6
I encountered this issue and applied 20.patch with success.
I can read that this patch have been merged in september 2021 => is there any regression ?
What is the exact version which was merged with that patch in 2021 ?

🇫🇷France oturpin

Same issue for me. I am connected as Administrator.
When requesting Add Payment Method, I get an error "Access Denied".
Administrator is authorized to administer Payment Methods in the "Rights" section.
Using Drupal 10.2.4dev
using Machine name: commerce_payment Version : 8.x-2.38

🇫🇷France oturpin

Have the same issue with Version : 8.x-3.0-beta2
Open Hours never comply with any availability set on units.
Removing open hours info is OK.
thx for the patch. I will try.

🇫🇷France oturpin

I may have a look at the bee_hotel module, but is it configurable for "reservable" objetcs other than rooms or accomodations ?

🇫🇷France oturpin

First tests OK. I managed to activate commerce for my entity.
Further testing ongoing.
Many thanks !

🇫🇷France oturpin

Just to know if any Drupal10 compatible release is on the way ? Any target date ?
Many thx

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