🇬🇷Greece @chrbak

Account created on 17 February 2012, over 12 years ago

Recent comments

🇬🇷Greece chrbak

Here is an example of mine from a paragraph field named "field_openings_period" with a datetime field "field_date_from"


🇬🇷Greece chrbak

Hello, in my case the problem was that the 'reply-to' email was empty, so i changed the below line (file /src/Plugin/Mail/SMTPMailSystem.php):


if ($reply_to_email !== $from) {
  $mailer->AddReplyTo($reply_to_email, $reply_to_comp['name']);


if ($reply_to_email && $reply_to_email !== $from) {
  $mailer->AddReplyTo($reply_to_email, $reply_to_comp['name']);
🇬🇷Greece chrbak

Hello, so why the version entity_print 8.x-2.7 states "Works with Drupal: ^8 || ^9 || ^10"?

Thank you.

🇬🇷Greece chrbak

Hello, so please change at the description of the version 6.1.4 the "Works with Drupal: ^8.8 || ^9".

Thank you.

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