🇧🇷Brazil @luizsgpetri

Account created on 15 February 2012, almost 13 years ago
  • Drupal Architect at Dexa 

Recent comments

🇧🇷Brazil luizsgpetri Campinas

I had a similar issue as number #10 during a migration from D9 to D10.
I believe my client has removed a module or content type that had a permission that wasn't deleted as expected.

To fix it I've created a hook update with the following contents:

  $roleId = 'editor';

  $brokenPermissions = [
    'update lifetime content on assigned domains'
  $role = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('user_role')->load($roleId);
  foreach ($brokenPermissions as $permission) {


After running the update, saving a text format worked as expected.

🇧🇷Brazil luizsgpetri Campinas

Hi, I rerolled the patch up to 8.3.3 version.

I wasn't able to create an interdiff file because the previous patch doesn't apply anymore.

I've found out that In some cases the getAwsErrorMessage() method is returns an empty string. Like when we try to use an nonexistent bucket.
So I've added a fallback to it.

All the comments in the previous patch are now resolved but the one related with providing a fallback to the logger parameter. It mentioned that this would be needed because we were in beta, which doesn't seems to be the case anymore.

Production build 0.71.5 2024