Account created on 28 August 2007, over 17 years ago

Recent comments

🇨🇦Canada karunadave

Interestingly I have the same experience, roughly 2 years now in 2024-11-01,
With Drupal 10.3.6, and:
"drupal/anu_lms": "^2.10",
"drupal/group": "^3.3",
"drupal/groupmedia": "^4.0",

🇨🇦Canada karunadave

I am also receiving Error message
Unable to install Anu LMS Permissions due to unmet dependencies: field.field.group_content.group_content_type_fe06a1151d30b.group_roles (

This on a new install with:
Drupal 10.2.6,
Anu LMS 2.10.4
Includes: Anu LMS, Anu LMS Demo content, Anu LMS Example: Component override, Anu LMS Example: Custom page data, Anu LMS Example: Custom paragraph, Anu LMS Quizzes, Anu LMS Search

Allowed Formats 3.0.0
CSV Serialization 4.0.0
Entity API 8.x-1.4
Entity Construction Kit (ECK) 2.0.0
Entity Reference Revisions 8.x-1.11
Excel Serialization 8.x-1.3
Field Group 8.x-3.4
Flexible permissions 1.1.0
Group 3.2.2
Group Media 4.0.2
Inline Entity Form 8.x-1.0-rc17
Paragraphs 8.x-1.17
Paragraphs Browser 8.x-1.1
Paragraphs Selection 2.0.5
Range 8.x-1.5
REST Entity Recursive 2.0.5-rc5
Search API 8.x-1.34
VariationCache 8.x-1.5
Views data export 8.x-1.4
Weight 8.x-3.4

🇨🇦Canada karunadave

Another alternative I have recently discovered is not a distribution but a module. I haven't installed it yet, but

🇨🇦Canada karunadave

I would like to get started with Opigno, and have been holding off for Drupal 10. Any comment on the migration from Drupal 9 to 10 - is it better to wait (this project is not urgent, but I have time now I may not have later); or will migration from from 3.1 to 3.2 be very easy?

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