🇫🇷France @stado

Account created on 4 January 2012, about 13 years ago

Recent comments

🇫🇷France stado

Sorry @jordik for a very late reply.

The setup is pretty standard:

  1. install D10
  2. Install Rate 3.0.1
  3. Create a Rate widget: Fivestar, points, display options results.
  4. Activate for articles and their comments.

While in articles, the widget works fine and displays the average of all votes in points, in comments the display stays at 0, no matter the number and value of votes.
Consequently, I can't use this widget in comments and I have to use thumbs up/down instead. Which works as expected, except in /admin/content/vote_all, where under the Voted entity, in case of comment ratings, a random page appears instead of the comment in question or at least its article.

Any advice on how to fix these 2 issues would be highly appreciated.

🇫🇷France stado

Thanks @leducdubleuet!
It works perfectly!

🇫🇷France stado

Thanks @arunsahijpal !
It works perfectly.
Much appreciated!

🇫🇷France stado

Pardon my ignorance, but what exactly needs to be done under #4?

🇫🇷France stado

Thank you! I'll be waiting.

🇫🇷France stado

Just noticed one thing:
If I stay logged in as Admin overnight, the date is not updated. But if I log out or masquerade as another user, everything is fine...

🇫🇷France stado

Thanks for your comment.
However, my problem is not enabling the fivestar widget for comments. I can well enable it. But, while for articles it displays the average points after all votes, in comments, this value always remains at 0.0, no matter matter how many votes have been cast. See pics attached.

🇫🇷France stado

Thanks but no, that doesn't work. Still no value is rendered.

🇫🇷France stado


Here are the specifics.

I have a D9 site with the DXPR theme.

By default, at the top, the comment tpl renders user picture, user name, date and permalink.

However, when you have many comments and replies to comments/replies, it is difficult to follow the discussion without reference to the comment ID.

I have tried to include this expression to comment.html.twig:

Comment ID: {{ comment_id|raw }}

But this renders only the label, but not the actual ID:

Do you know how to get the actual ID value?

Thanks in advance.

🇫🇷France stado

Wow! Thanks!

It would also be really nice to render comment ID and in a reply to a comment "reply to comment #..."
What do you think?

But, in any case, thanks a million for the fix!

🇫🇷France stado

Thanks! Of course, I'll wait. It's a great theme otherwise.

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