🇫🇷France @floown

Account created on 7 June 2007, about 17 years ago

Recent comments

🇫🇷France floown


On a D10, the patch #6 has made the message disappear, true. But it doesn't solve the problem with taxonomy terms and a menu path as a menu.


🇫🇷France floown

Thank you a lot, the patch work with a little reject :

$ cat social_simple.info.yml.rej
--- social_simple.info.yml
+++ social_simple.info.yml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 name: Social Simple
 type: module
 description: Provide simple social share links for social networks.
-core_version_requirement: ^9 || ^10
+core_version_requirement: ^9.2 || ^10

Well done.

🇫🇷France floown

Ok, it Social Simple module that do this bug: https://www.drupal.org/project/social_simple/issues/3395938 🐛 Uncaught TypeError: $(...).once is not a function Active

🇫🇷France floown

I have found the solution.

I have select JSMin+ ~1300ms in Advagg for JS compression, instead of JSqueeze ~600ms
And now I can again check "JS aggregation" in /admin/config/development/performance

🇫🇷France floown

Hi Kristen,

In fact, I have edit manually all the redirection that haven't switched to 301 code by default.

I have report to the 301 I had manually add in my .htaccess for respons quickly to error 500 I had.

My problem seems to be solved.

🇫🇷France floown

Thank you Damien.

I have done in the metatag folder a:

$ wget https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2023-05-29/metatag-n3363189-9.patch

$ patch -p1 < metatag-n3363189-9.patch
patching file metatag.post_update.php

$ drush updb
 --------- ---------------- ------------- ---------------------------------
  Module    Update ID        Type          Description
 --------- ---------------- ------------- ---------------------------------
  metatag   remove_robots_   post-update   Remove 'noydir', 'noodp' ROBOTS
            noydir_noodp                   options from meta tag entity
 --------- ---------------- ------------- ---------------------------------

 Do you wish to run the specified pending updates? (yes/no) [yes]:

>  [notice] Update started: metatag_post_update_remove_robots_noydir_noodp
>  [notice] 1 sur 115 enregistrements Metatags suplantés traités.
>  [notice] 2 sur 115 enregistrements Metatags suplantés traités.
>  [notice] 8 sur 115 enregistrements Metatags suplantés traités.
>  [notice] 18 sur 115 enregistrements Metatags suplantés traités.
>  [notice] 28 sur 115 enregistrements Metatags suplantés traités.
>  [notice] 38 sur 115 enregistrements Metatags suplantés traités.
>  [notice] 48 sur 115 enregistrements Metatags suplantés traités.
>  [notice] 58 sur 115 enregistrements Metatags suplantés traités.
>  [notice] 68 sur 115 enregistrements Metatags suplantés traités.
>  [notice] 78 sur 115 enregistrements Metatags suplantés traités.
>  [notice] 88 sur 115 enregistrements Metatags suplantés traités.
>  [notice] 98 sur 115 enregistrements Metatags suplantés traités.
>  [notice] 108 sur 115 enregistrements Metatags suplantés traités.
>  [notice] 115 sur 115 enregistrements Metatags suplantés traités.
>  [notice] Update completed: metatag_post_update_remove_robots_noydir_noodp
 [success] Finished performing updates.

It's for noobs, like me ^^


🇫🇷France floown


Since I have made my site in production, I have seen a lot the error500 appear in Seolyzer and Google Search Console.

Here is my Drupal logs:

TypeError : Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse::__construct(): Argument #2 ($status) must be of type int, null given, called in /home/myuser/web/mysite/public_html/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Routing/TrustedRedirectResponse.php on line 26 dans Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse->__construct() (/home/myuser/web/mysite/public_html/vendor/symfony/http-foundation/RedirectResponse.php ligne 35)

#0 /home/myuser/web/mysite/public_html/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Routing/TrustedRedirectResponse.php(26): Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse->__construct()
#1 /home/myuser/web/mysite/public_html/web/modules/contrib/redirect/src/EventSubscriber/RedirectRequestSubscriber.php(166): Drupal\Core\Routing\TrustedRedirectResponse->__construct()
#2 [internal function]: Drupal\redirect\EventSubscriber\RedirectRequestSubscriber->onKernelRequestCheckRedirect()
#3 /home/myuser/web/mysite/public_html/web/core/lib/Drupal/Component/EventDispatcher/ContainerAwareEventDispatcher.php(142): call_user_func()
#4 /home/myuser/web/mysite/public_html/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php(145): Drupal\Component\EventDispatcher\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher->dispatch()
#5 /home/myuser/web/mysite/public_html/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php(81): Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel->handleRaw()
#6 /home/myuser/web/mysite/public_html/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StackMiddleware/Session.php(58): Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel->handle()
#7 /home/myuser/web/mysite/public_html/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StackMiddleware/KernelPreHandle.php(48): Drupal\Core\StackMiddleware\Session->handle()
#8 /home/myuser/web/mysite/public_html/web/core/modules/page_cache/src/StackMiddleware/PageCache.php(191): Drupal\Core\StackMiddleware\KernelPreHandle->handle()
#9 /home/myuser/web/mysite/public_html/web/core/modules/page_cache/src/StackMiddleware/PageCache.php(128): Drupal\page_cache\StackMiddleware\PageCache->fetch()
#10 /home/myuser/web/mysite/public_html/web/core/modules/page_cache/src/StackMiddleware/PageCache.php(82): Drupal\page_cache\StackMiddleware\PageCache->lookup()
#11 /home/myuser/web/mysite/public_html/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StackMiddleware/ReverseProxyMiddleware.php(48): Drupal\page_cache\StackMiddleware\PageCache->handle()
#12 /home/myuser/web/mysite/public_html/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StackMiddleware/NegotiationMiddleware.php(51): Drupal\Core\StackMiddleware\ReverseProxyMiddleware->handle()
#13 /home/myuser/web/mysite/public_html/vendor/stack/builder/src/Stack/StackedHttpKernel.php(23): Drupal\Core\StackMiddleware\NegotiationMiddleware->handle()
#14 /home/myuser/web/mysite/public_html/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/DrupalKernel.php(713): Stack\StackedHttpKernel->handle()
#15 /home/myuser/web/mysite/public_html/web/index.php(19): Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->handle()
#16 {main}

So the patch integrated in the other issue pointed by #7 is not good for my problem.

I’m not a developer, just a user. So I can't help more.

🇫🇷France floown


Yes, I have no right problem on my folders and site. The directory has been created, but no files are present into it.

Someone has said me that perhaps Advagg compression for JS and CSS can do some bugs in administration.

What do you think about it? I have reinstall Google Analytics at this moment, but I will retest GTM in some days.

🇫🇷France floown

I have reinstall this module.

I have empty the caches with interface and Drush. I have verify, the directory 'google_tag' exist in files (I have check the checkboxes you point admin/config/system/google-tag/settings then uncheck them).

See another time my screencaps to understand that the module create a javascript error. No where in admin I have these one, just in /admin/config/system/google-tag/add

So the interface can display properly.

I can not use this module yet.

I hope you requalify this issue in a interface bug.


🇫🇷France floown


I said, sure, that I had empty the caches.

I don't know what to do more.

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