🇫🇷France cutesquirrel
You need first to add manually the external library jquery.fancytree, following this issue: https://www.drupal.org/project/taxonomy_manager/issues/3467549 ✨ Change require custom libraries to suggestions as a better method with more options Needs work
"require": {
"jquery/fancytree": "^2.38.3",
"repositories": {
"your_key": {
"type": "package",
"package": {
"name": "jquery/fancytree",
"version": "2.38.3",
"type": "drupal-library",
"extra": {
"installer-name": "jquery.fancytree"
"dist": {
"url": "https://github.com/mar10/fancytree/archive/refs/tags/v2.38.3.zip",
"type": "zip"
"license": "MIT"
🇫🇷France cutesquirrel
since I've switched to claro theme, I've the same issue, even with tabs/tab (and not modal)
on the second tab, I add a new paragraph and I'm back to the default first tab.
Did you find any fix or workaround?
🇫🇷France cutesquirrel
🇫🇷France cutesquirrel
🇫🇷France cutesquirrel
🇫🇷France cutesquirrel
cutesquirrel → created an issue.