I'm not seeing where this was merged into the 8.x-1.x branch or any other branch. Can you please advise?
β¨ Allow specific schemes to be applied to certain roles Needs review appears to implement a similar change for the create access check, as well as for the update/delete access check which also isn't working right under a multiple access schemes scenario.
See MR. It is debatable what the "right" expiration time is for the cached git
call, or should it be configurable?
ChaseOnTheWeb β created an issue.
Is it desired to support the use case of a Drupal site without an administrator user? Here is an Option 3: Prohibit the last administrator user from being deleted or de-roled. Or, alternatively, add a prominent warning in the UI when the user attempts to do so.
I've attempted a change notice β and release note snippet. Please review.
Here is a patch that controls access based on the Workbench Access 'Deny access to unassigned content' setting (option #1).
ChaseOnTheWeb β created an issue.