🇧🇴Bolivia @veronicanerak

Account created on 25 July 2011, about 13 years ago

Recent comments

🇧🇴Bolivia veronicanerak

Adding some screenshots displaying the blocks suggested.

Once the user chooses the language from the available languages in order to create translations:

Case 1: In case the user is not logged in and for example, the language selected was "French", please see the screenshot:

Case 2: The user is logged in, "Join..." button is displayed, please see:

🇧🇴Bolivia veronicanerak

After the agreement in the weekly meeting, we would like to create/open another new issue to improve “Top contributors” and “Statistics” blocks in order to have meaningful dashboards as explained in the previous comments.

So, in this issue we would like to take into account:


How can we make it easier and faster to contribute (to make translations)?


Get more volunteer translators, making it faster and easier to make translations.

The Join button is displayed on the bottom (taking into account the main point is Join and Contribute), we would like to move the "Join" button to the top (It can be independent of the Language block). So, it would be easier and faster to access it, please see the image attached:


Probably in the Language team block (for example French team) can go Manager's name directly in case there are some doubts or questions? Please see the image below:

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