Account created on 24 April 2007, about 17 years ago

Merge Requests


Recent comments

🇮🇹Italy lussoluca Italy

The first version has been implemented.
I will open specific issues for improvement.

🇮🇹Italy lussoluca Italy


I'll release a new version of the module later today

🇮🇹Italy lussoluca Italy

lussoluca made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇹Italy lussoluca Italy

lussoluca made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇹Italy lussoluca Italy

lussoluca made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇹Italy lussoluca Italy

Fixed (cspell too)

🇮🇹Italy lussoluca Italy

lussoluca made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇹Italy lussoluca Italy

lussoluca made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇹Italy lussoluca Italy

Thanks for your suggestion, I think that is a good addition to the readme. I've opened a MR; there's just a minor typo, then I can merge it

🇮🇹Italy lussoluca Italy

Probably, decorating the event_subscriber is no longer possible until 📌 Replace ContainerAwareEventDispatcher with Symfony EventDispatcher Fixed lands on Drupal 11 (required changes have been reverted in 🐛 Add BC layer for contrib modules using ContainerAwareEventDispatcher as a typehint (BC fix for #2909185) Fixed )

🇮🇹Italy lussoluca Italy

lussoluca made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇹Italy lussoluca Italy

A solution can be to add a new tab and save the schema metadata in a third-party setting of the backend configuration, but at this point, I think this is no longer a priority for the first release.

I've added a message to the "Fields" tab that warns the user to go to the "Processor" tab to complete the setup.

🇮🇹Italy lussoluca Italy

The patch is empty; in any case, the .ddev folder there because of

🇮🇹Italy lussoluca Italy

It seems related to Drush itself.
I have a custom Drush command with its, and I have the error. If I delete the file (and load required services using \Drupal::service(...)), it works.

🇮🇹Italy lussoluca Italy

lussoluca made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇹Italy lussoluca Italy

The latest version has added support to manage synonyms in the index config; this issue is no longer needed

🇮🇹Italy lussoluca Italy

SearchAPITypesenseBackend class has been heavily rewritten; this error no longer occurs in my tests.

Feel free to reopen the issue if you still have problems.

🇮🇹Italy lussoluca Italy

SearchAPITypesenseBackend class has been heavily rewritten; this error no longer occurs in my tests.

Feel free to reopen the issue if you still have problems.

🇮🇹Italy lussoluca Italy

The latest implementation uses the Guzzle client provided by Drupal, this is no more needed

🇮🇹Italy lussoluca Italy

Committed and pushed to 1.0.x-dev

🇮🇹Italy lussoluca Italy

lussoluca made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇹Italy lussoluca Italy

lussoluca changed the visibility of the branch 3432853-add-support-for to active.

🇮🇹Italy lussoluca Italy

lussoluca changed the visibility of the branch 3432853-add-support-for to hidden.

🇮🇹Italy lussoluca Italy

The latest dev version is compatible with both drupal 9 and drupal 10

🇮🇹Italy lussoluca Italy

Thanks for the idea, I've used it on 📌 Prepare for the first release Active .

I've temporary removed the Drush comand, I'll add it back soon.

🇮🇹Italy lussoluca Italy

I've already contacted them. What can be the next step? I try to contact them again?

🇮🇹Italy lussoluca Italy

I contacted both actual maintainers using the personal contact form of and on the Drupal Association Slack workspace.
No one answered in about two months.

The project page is:

I've committed all my work here:, but I can open a merge request on if you prefer.


🇮🇹Italy lussoluca Italy

Yes, we're working on it.

If you want, you can join us tomorrow at the Drupal Global Contribution Weekend ( ); we'll also work on this module.

🇮🇹Italy lussoluca Italy

mikkmiggur are you using the hook_event_dispacther module as bob.hinrichs ?

🇮🇹Italy lussoluca Italy

The actual patch fails with this error:

Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactory::__construct(): Argument #2 ($event_dispatcher) must be of type Symfony\Contracts\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface, Drupal\tracer\Controller\TraceableControllerResolver given, called in /var/www/html/web/core/lib/Drupal/Component/DependencyInje
ction/Container.php on line 259 and defined in /var/www/html/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Config/ConfigFactory.php:72 
🇮🇹Italy lussoluca Italy

I've added a comment to the MR

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