🇩🇪Germany @jox

Account created on 13 May 2011, almost 14 years ago

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🇩🇪Germany jox

I ran into this as well.

What's happening is that field_time_value in the database (MySQL/MariaDB in my case) changed from type VARCHAR(8) to TIME.

What worked for me was:

  1. Dump (backup) the affected tables.
  2. Truncate (empty) those tables.
  3. Update the entity definitions.
  4. Restore the tables.

Restoring the VARCHAR values into the TIME field worked without any issues.

For example:

$ composer require drupal/devel_entity_updates

$ drush en devel_entity_updates

$ mysqldump --no-create-info MY_DATABASE node__field_time node_revision__field_time >time_field_table_data.sql

$ echo "TRUNCATE TABLE node__field_time; TRUNCATE TABLE node_revision__field_time;" | mysql MY_DATABASE

$ drush entup

$ mysql MY_DATABASE < backup/time_field_table_data.sql
🇩🇪Germany jox

You are right. My composer-patches wasn't configured properly. I fixed that and now all patches are applied. It did even reinstall core to also apply "Issue #3263397-10: Simplify form logic in media library".

Now one thing is fixed: It saves my crop configuration!

But I still got these issues left:

  • In the image modal there is a warning "This crop definition affects more usages of this image".
  • I cannot see any preview for my crop selection.

Is this what I have to expect? Thanks!

🇩🇪Germany jox

Thanks for the help! I followed your steps and I am getting closer, but still got issues. I now have the crop widget in the node edit form and can select a crop area, but:
- It does not save my crop configuration. I.e. it forgets it. The next time I open the modal crop area is back to full image.
- In the image modal there is a warning "This crop definition affects more usages of this image".
- I cannot see any preview for my crop selection.

🇩🇪Germany jox

All right. The patch is not getting applied automatically in my setup. I did it manually and crop_update_8006 is applied now after updb!

The error is gone, but unfortunately I still have no cropping abilities...

🇩🇪Germany jox

Thanks for the quick reply!

Which patch do you mean exactly, do you have a link? I saw some patch requirement before. I was wondering about it and concluded that it was already merged. Did you just update the project description and take out that patch info?

I certainly did drush updatedb and drush cache:rebuild after install.

I now did composer reinstall drupal/crop as you told with another drush updatedb, but the problem remains...

🇩🇪Germany jox

In the section "# Contextual Cropping in Media Reference Fields" at "# Finishing Preparation" it says

"Activate multi_crop_field_formatter and the plugin module adapted to the crop plugin".

I believe it should say

"Activate media_contextual_crop_field_formatter and the plugin module adapted to the crop plugin".

(media_contextual_crop_field_formatter being the machine name of "Media Contextual Crop Reference")

🇩🇪Germany jox

Several spelling/grammar/whitespace corrections.

🇩🇪Germany jox

I'm getting this error also when editing a node e.g. at /node/16/edit. The patch fixes it there as well.

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