Thanks for your prompt action. The new log message is clear enough for the model builder to identify the issue.
Hi jurgenhaas,
After further investigation, I found that it was my mistake that the "Entity" custom property was empty under the "Entity: set field value" activity. However, would the log message be more specific like showing "Missing custom property" rather than "Access denied"? Thanks.
richard cheung → created an issue.
Does this patch support content moderation?
richard cheung → created an issue.
richard cheung → created an issue.
Richard Cheung → created an issue.
Richard Cheung → created an issue.
Richard Cheung → created an issue.
I have the same issue.
The condition check is performed on the order's customer role at /admin/commerce/config/payment-gateways/{payment method}.
Can we have the condition check on the user roles?