Account created on 29 April 2011, almost 14 years ago

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I second this. You use encryption to secure the data. If you only have 1 encryption profile than every user with access to that encryption profile can decrypt all encrypted data. That's very limiting.

Use pubkey_encrpyt to encrypt the data, create a second role, e.g. "dev" and give full access to that role. Since the encrypted data is not tied to "dev" role, he can do all the maintenance without access to the sensitive data.

I'm still very new. I manually used the code to update the file "field_encrypt.module" and I could use field encrypt with new Drupal 10 release of pubkey_encrypt module. So it appears to do what it is supposed to do. Creating a dev version, would make it easier for all to install and test. If people don't complain for 2 weeks, update the release version.

As simple encryption module it works as intended. Creation of new encryption keys, automated re-encryption of all data with new encryption keys, etc. goes well beyond the scope of a simple encryption module.

All users are logged out automatically, so they must log in again to use the website after initialization.

Thanks. I'm very new to this. Hope I am doing it all well. I updated it, so that I can use it with Drupal 10.

The encountered error is more or less by design. The role holds the decryption key, hence deleting the role deletes the decryption key.

Last Development version: 3.1.x-dev is from 9 Feb 2023 at 15:50 UTC. Is it possible to release an updated version that works with Drupal 10.2? Thanks

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