Account created on 14 April 2011, almost 14 years ago

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🇫🇷France vdsh

Sorry, I don't have much time for Drupal right now. if anyone wants to step us as a maintainer, please feel free to do so

I have merged the request in dev but haven't tested it

🇫🇷France vdsh

Indeed, I don't have much time at the moment, so happy if you can take it over!! Welcome to the fabulous world of maintaining proejcts!

🇫🇷France vdsh file does not seem to exist already, but the MR !7 is still for branch 1.0, not 2.1

🇫🇷France vdsh

The issue is from the original merge request

- Since the module_load_include() is deprecated, I've commented out relevant line.

And we can see in the patch (which is very small, it's actually one of the only 2 things changed):

 public function postExecute() {
-    module_load_include('inc', 'geofield', 'vendor/phayes/geophp/geoPHP');
+    //module_load_include('inc', 'geofield', 'vendor/phayes/geophp/geoPHP');
     $results_by_geohash = $this->preClusterByGeohash();

If this line was here in the first place, it means that it was useful ... you can't just comment it out.

🇫🇷France vdsh


Thanks for contributing, but it's not acceptable to "just comment out a line because of a deprecation". I don't understand how this has been set to RTBC... probably not tested on a real example.

A 5s google search indicates how to handle the deprecation ->

Also, if one were curious, one would investigate whether we should use phayes' geophp or itamair's geophp. It seems to be similar, but geofield is using itamair's one (with reference to the phayes name in the code), and views_geojson is also using itamair (so probably makes sense to switch to itamair's to keep things clean)


🇫🇷France vdsh

Indeed, it is working as expected. If nothing is displayed, then you cannot expect to have simpler_quickedit.

However, you can use to display something which then can be quickedited. Hope it helps!

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