superfluousapostrophe β created an issue.
Agreed - there is no documentation on how to actually use this module. I REALLY want to use this module! I'm trying to use it on D10.3.2 and while I think I have it mostly figured out, it's broken because of the error mentioned in β . I don't know how the maintainers can consider this module feature complete when it's clearly not working and not properly documented.
For what it's worth, here are the steps I have taken so far to get a dependent filter configured:
- Add your standard filters
- Add a dependent filter by adding a filter and searching for "Dependent Filter"
- Select your controlling filter (by the filter ID)
- Select the controller value (i.e. the option that will trigger the dependent filter)
- Rearrange the filters so that the dependent filter is ABOVE any filters that will be controlled
- Open the options of the dependent filter and select your filters to be dependent
At this point - the filter *should* be working. But like i mentioned above, there is an error regarding a missing identifier. I am assuming this means that the dependent filter itself is not supplying a filter id as all of my exposed filters have a filter identifier already.
On 3.0.0-alpha4, there is an event listener added to the document element every single time that the function ariaCheck is called. This occurs on line 300 of plugin.js:
ariaCheck() {
const toggleElement = (element, value) => {
.querySelectorAll('.tbm-toggle, .tbm-submenu-toggle')
.forEach((toggle) => {
toggle.setAttribute('aria-expanded', value);
// Anytime there's a click outside a desktop menu that has arrows, close the menu.
document.addEventListener('click', event => {
if (!'.tbm') && !this.isMobile && this.hasArrows) {
I believe the specific issue is that document.addEventListener is adding an anonymous function as the handler. According to the MDN, anon functions are NOT disregarded from being added to the event listener list. So every single time ariaCheck is called, it's adding a new event listener to the document, eventually crashing the page.
This was added in 3.0.0-alpha 3 and is NOT present in alpha2. Rolling back to alpha2 addresses the immediate issue.
Thanks for the reroll! The #38 patch is now applying cleanly to the latest from the 2.x dev branch.
I worked on this at #portland2024 & updated the MR to fix another few coding standard items.
SuperfluousApostrophe β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
Something was updated in the 8.x-2.x-dev branch today and the patch in #32 is now broken. Any chance the patch can be re-rolled?
I have a related (if not ultimately the same) issue. I have a view with exposed filers and infinite scroll. When any of the filters are clicked, the results are "correct", but I get something like 30-60 identical ajax calls. The patch in #7 does not seem to affect the behavior at all in Drupal 9.5.9.
The patch in #7 worked great for me. Prior to application, my rest endpoints worked, but I couldn't upload anything into my media library.
The solution by @Loyarc in #6 did it for me. It would be nice for the module to suggest some options such as temporary:// or public://.
Duplicates π Prevents normal website access by restricting all routes by default Needs work
After debugging, I found that the cause of my issue seems to be the same in #2942049 π Prevents normal website access by restricting all routes by default Needs work . The patch in #7 is working for me.
SuperfluousApostrophe β created an issue.