🇩🇪Germany @Volker23

Account created on 15 March 2011, almost 14 years ago

Recent comments

🇩🇪Germany Volker23

@Ewout Goosman, half a day without spam, this looks very promising. Thanks!

🇩🇪Germany Volker23

Same problem here, large amounts of new user registration on an up-to-date D10. Spam mail-adresses are mostly in the form of e.g.


with a lot of dots in name. I am now trying the patch in #14.

🇩🇪Germany Volker23

Same issue here: 3.0.1 + D10.1.7

Patch applies and fixes the main problem of deleted css folder. But the patched module creates warnings like this:

Warning: Undefined array key "license" in Drupal\Core\Asset\CssCollectionOptimizerLazy->optimizeGroup() (line 160 of example.com/docroot/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Asset/CssCollectionOptimizerLazy.php)

when at the same time core aggregation is enabled. Do i need to set something else?

🇩🇪Germany Volker23

Proposed solution works like a charme, would love to see this in core!

🇩🇪Germany Volker23

Thanks a lot! I have tested the MR and it works with two dependent filters now! Great work!

In case i use this together with the Selective Better Exposed Filters-module ( https://www.drupal.org/project/selective_better_exposed_filters ) it throws a 'selection not allowed' when a controller filter is changed while a controlled filter has already a selection made. The dblog-error is ajax related but even when ajax in views is off and 'auto-submit' in BEF is deactivated, the error still occurs, now 'illegal choice'. I guess the selected value of the controlled filter needs to be reset, when the controller field changes.

How can i help to debug this? How to find out which module causes this?

🇩🇪Germany Volker23

I'd love to see a decent (dependent and/or conditional) filter feature in views!

🇩🇪Germany Volker23

Thanks a lot Christian, obviously i have overlooked this. I'll try your recommendation!

🇩🇪Germany Volker23

Here's a patch:
https://www.drupal.org/project/permissions_by_term/issues/3354478 🐛 Regression updating to 3.1.22 for Drupal 9.x using loadTemplate from twig Fixed

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