mrhorse β created an issue.
Setting as reviewed and tested, but I doubt it gets merged as the maintainers manage their codebase elsewhere.
mrhorse β changed the visibility of the branch feature/add-template-functionality-to-postmark-with-config-form-amends to hidden.
Duplicate of:
Learning Path modules page not displaying
For which a patch (the MR diff) was supplied.
Patch from the MR too (for the security conscious, as MRs can be silently updated).
mrhorse β created an issue.
mrhorse β created an issue.
mrhorse β created an issue.
mrhorse β created an issue.
MR5 has been created against the new 3.2.7 (3.2.x dev) branch.
mrhorse β changed the visibility of the branch 3454752-deprecated-string-interpolation to hidden.
mrhorse β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
mrhorse β created an issue. See original summary β .
mrhorse β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
This is fixed as of opigno_module:3.2.8 which ships with Opigno 3.2.7. Patch #12 works for Opigno 3.1.0 version. Closing this unless there are objections.
Old issue, but still revelant. I have added support for using postmark's email templates. You need to pass 2 more vars with the $message array via hook_mail() to achieve this, with the patch applied. Content in the template is rendered with {{html}} for HTML version and {{text}} for the text version.
$message['pm_template_id'] = 'template-test';
$message['pm_template_vars'] = [];
mrhorse β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
mrhorse β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
Added the info.yml compatability addition. Should be good to go now.
We still have need for the functionality provided by the patch - just re-rolled it for D10.2.2 but not re-opening the ticket for obvious reasons.
Hi Phil, this step is already included.
Thanks for adding that last bit. Working well for me thanks :)
mrhorse β created an issue.
mrhorse β created an issue.
Re-rolled based on Mandrill fork 'mandrill-3364924', branch '3364924-drupal-10-compatability' which just updates necessary Mandrill code for D10.
mrhorse β created an issue.
mrhorse β created an issue.
mrhorse β created an issue.
mrhorse β created an issue.
Thanks Joachim. According to β , when this method was added in D9 it defaults to TRUE, so I assumed there would be no difference, but that makes sense. Thanks for amending and rolling a release :) .
mrhorse β created an issue.
Reroll for 2.x branch (based on 2.0.0-rc1).
mrhorse β created an issue.
Duplicate of β¨ Update simple icons npm asset library to v9 Needs review , which upgrades the library and provides the new X logo.
Re-roll for Commerce 2.36 (earliest support for D10 while still supporting D9).
Now requires v9 of the simple-icons lib to be added to libraries. Provides support for new Twitter X icon and a host of others.
mrhorse β created an issue.