I'm having the same issue on a Barrio subtheme. Am I missing something too? My screenshot looks very similar to #13 and the original screenshots - no styling.
This is still an issue with 2.x. Just installed it on my fresh D10 site and I'm seeing a continually duplicating "Insert selected" button appearing.
I'm not sure. I just followed the installation/setup documentation, and this is what I'm seeing.
The structure passed to loadMultiple() is causing the issue:
[sizes] => 100vw
[sizes_image_styles] => Array
[0] => max_325x325
[1] => max_650x650
hawkeye217 → created an issue.
Can confirm that patch #11 also works on a fresh D10 site.
Not sure where the bug needs to be fixed (Barrio itself maybe?), but I added:
$table-border-width: 3px;
to my variables.scss subtheme file and it fixed the issue for me.
Exact same error I'm seeing.