Thank you, @Jurgenhaas, will try that!
marco aurelio rocca → created an issue.
Found: it's in /web/sites/default/services.yml, right??
Marco Aurelio Rocca → created an issue.
It works!
Action triggered by
condit = ROUTE MATCH compared to "entity.taxonomy_term.canonical",
+ Action = REDIRECT do frontpage.
Navigated to a Taxonomy list of terms, clicked them repeteadelly, log messagens are recorded several times and navigation is redirected to frontpage, not for once only but repeatedly.
Thank you so much!
Thank you, @jurgenhaas!
I'll try that as soon as possible!
If I get it right, would be better to try it after updating to 2.0.x-dev.
Thank you so much for your efforts, @Jurgenhaas!
I made an EXPORT of the last test with trigger = "controller found", and send it here.
I dont know whether it is useful, hope so.
I did not get ahead with the step = "load the entity (i.e. the term) by using the route parameter", because I realized that there, too, that CACHE thing is in effect. So it is in my way again... and I cant figure out why, looking at the Developers Panel :(
What the ECA here exported do:
- triggers when a "Controller Is Found" action takes place
- checks whether or not the "Route" used is like "entity.taxonomy_term.canonical"
- if so, logs a message in the registry
- redirects towards the FrontPage
But, again, it will only work ONCE PER TERM CLICKED. After that, it'll not work again until a Clean Cache is performed.
So it was already there and I missed it, sorry!!
Thank you!!
And thanks for working on such a module! I am an orphan from RULES LINK! ^_^
Marco Aurelio Rocca → created an issue.
Thanks again for your time, Jurgenhaas!
I could not yet manage to put our site somewhere reachable by you, but I'll try to get that done.
I could use the "CONTROLLER FOUND" as trigger, and in the sequence I used "ROUTE MATCH", set to "entity.taxonomy_term.canonical", and made a redirect action. Thus, I could kind of INTERCEPT all callings to any taxonomy terms, with a REDIRECT action.
But that was just a drill.
The GOAL is to intercept only Term Entities of a specific Vocabulary, where I do have a custom field with non-empty value.
I understand that what's missing for me is a way to grasp the data about that specific Entity, which is called by the '/taxonomy/term/{taxonomy_term}'-like path.
Does that make sense?
Thanks you for your time, @jurgenhaas!
I cannot say that I understood the point, but anyway I tried to figure it out with no success. Drupal installation configured, as far as I know, to prevent caching, with no effect. Tried to use Eca-Cacheabilty, using "Cache invalidate" in a couple of situations... but the interface demands sobre CACHE KEY parameter that I do not know how to provide.
Marco Aurelio Rocca → created an issue.