- Issue created by @marco aurelio rocca
- 🇩🇪Germany jurgenhaas Gottmadingen
The ECA model is incomplete. Did you know that you can export an ECA model from the ECA overview page at
? That exports a model as a tar.gz archive and that contains everything required. - 🇧🇷Brazil marco aurelio rocca
Hallo, sorry for forgeting about that. Uploading the exports made through that page. THere's something there called "export as recipe", but I didnt get how it works so I opted for the simple "export" option.
- 🇩🇪Germany jurgenhaas Gottmadingen
I don't see how the blocks should be influencing each other, but the models do contain some components that are pretty strange and may cause issues.
The publish and unpublish block actions should not be used in such a way. Probably they should not be used anywhere at all. They enable or disable a config entity. But doing that in the context of a block render action is completely misplaced. And I don't see why you would even that.
The "ECA Block" events are there to define blocks that can be placed in the block layout, and you can define the content for each block. But that's it.
What you're mixing into this is the control whether a block should be visible or not. That's not what's supposed to be happening behind an ECA Block event. To control, whether a block should be visible or not, there are block conditions. And they are currently implemented in the eca_condition → module.
- 🇧🇷Brazil marco aurelio rocca
Ok, @Jurgenhaas, thank you again for showing my misunderstanding.
All this is really me trying to reproduce Drupal 7's "RULES LINK" funcionality.
I opened an issue on ECA CONDITION module, a few days ago, as in https://www.drupal.org/project/eca_condition/issues/3502923 💬 Cannot have MORE THAN ONE block loaded with EcaCondition? Active , hope I can find some help with that too.