🇫🇷France @raphaeltbm

Account created on 19 January 2011, about 14 years ago

Recent comments

🇫🇷France raphaeltbm

During my tests with the last MR. Let said i have a page node with 2 languages FR (original language) & DE. existing before the migration path.
If you delete manually the DE translation, the paragraph data is completely lost on the FR node too.

🇫🇷France raphaeltbm

Thanks for all the contributions! The MR looks already nice!
But the drush command is missing some `bundle` context (VS the BO batch one which have one). Let said i have the same paragraph field across 2 node bundles, but only one is decided to be translatable, if you try to run the drush command `paragraphs:migrate-to-non-symmetrical node field_my_paragraphs`, things will be ugly for the content bundle with the not translatable one. Or, am i missing some info about the usage?

🇫🇷France raphaeltbm

I guess that the basic site settings form should not alias the url, it brings a lot of confusion as it is now.

See closed duplicate issue: #2958253: When exporting configuration site frontpage converts to node/id

In SiteInformationForm.php, see:

$front_page = $site_config->get('page.front') != '/user/login' ? $this->aliasManager->getAliasByPath($site_config->get('page.front')) : '';
$form['front_page']['site_frontpage'] = [
  '#type' => 'textfield',
  '#title' => t('Default front page'),
  '#default_value' => $front_page,
  '#size' => 40,
  '#description' => t('Optionally, specify a relative URL to display as the front page. Leave blank to display the default front page.'),
  '#field_prefix' => $this->requestContext->getCompleteBaseUrl(),

At the minimum the aliasing part should be removed to stop confusion with this screen. I don't see the point to alias the internal path. Was there a reason?

If it's really wanted to show the language-aware aliased url of the targeted content/page, it could be added below the field in the description area. Knowing than a frontpage is mostly pointing directly to <front> (plus when a module like redirect is enabled with the option "Enforce clean and canonical URLs." checked).

If the possibility to use an alias for the frontpage settings is done, it will brings some problematics to be aware with the multilingual case too:

- make the frontpage field translatable (to be able to manage a different alias for each language) :

EN > /home
FR > /home-fr or /accueil

- how to manage a case where the frontpage will be set on different kind of entities/object ?

EN (default) : / => node/2 
FR : /fr => node/3
ES : /es => view/4
BE : /be => webform/5

>> maybe on the saving, just forbidding it when an alias is filled but don't target the same internal path than on the default frontpage setting? Or should it be just ok to allow that?

And the \Drupal::service('path.matcher')->getFrontPagePath() should then returned the internal path it the path is aliased via a getPathByAlias().

By the way, currently, if you really need to set a different frontpage following your environments, you should take a look to config_split and/or config_ignore modules.

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