Québec city, Qc
Account created on 7 January 2011, about 14 years ago

Recent comments

🇨🇦Canada bohemier Québec city, Qc

@peter your json is invalid. Try this:

"default_row_class": true,
"center": false,
"mode": "carousel",
"prevButton": ".prev",
"nextButton": ".next",
"nav": true,
"navPosition": "bottom",
"loop": true,
"items": 1,
"gutter": 0,
"slideBy": 1,
"autoplay": true,
"autoplayTimeout": 12000,
"autoplayHoverPause": true,
"itemsDesktop": 1,
"itemsMobile": 1

see https://jsonlint.com/

🇨🇦Canada bohemier Québec city, Qc

Since it seems there is no media library browser plugin yet, I wonder why does the module page say: Also provides a 'Remote URL' browser plugin for Media? There is also a feature opened to support an entity browser plugin here https://www.drupal.org/project/remote_stream_wrapper/issues/3066734

🇨🇦Canada bohemier Québec city, Qc

I find that this module fixes some long-time inconsistencies, especially with the handling of title.

Is there a reason for having #access=false by default? Doesn't this defeat the purpose of the module? After setting a field formatter for title, a user would expect that field to be displayed, just like the OP mentioned.

Or perhaps there could be a configuration form somewhere to allow access?


🇨🇦Canada bohemier Québec city, Qc

This patch is very useful as it provides a filename token and clarifies what basename is (filename with extension).

🇨🇦Canada bohemier Québec city, Qc

Agreed this should be explained on the project page.

As for merging the functionalities with core Workflows, this would be ideal but AFAICT the 2 modules are architecturally very different, so I am not sure if this is feasible... Personally, I prefer the way this one (Workflow) works, having a more generalized workflow per field & entity approach. It allows for greater flexibility and expandability.

🇨🇦Canada bohemier Québec city, Qc

Thanks for the patch, without it, it is impossible to handle securing private files outside of the webroot with the open_basedir directive. After applying it, wet can set private and tmp using relative directories, such as:

$settings['file_private_path'] = '../../private';
$settings['file_temp_path'] = '../../tmp';

🇨🇦Canada bohemier Québec city, Qc

Here is a patch with a rebase of the above MR with the current 6.x-dev

🇨🇦Canada bohemier Québec city, Qc

Setting default option value to "1" to keep consistency with existing sliders.

🇨🇦Canada bohemier Québec city, Qc

Patch attached

🇨🇦Canada bohemier Québec city, Qc

bohemier created an issue.

🇨🇦Canada bohemier Québec city, Qc

See this https://www.drupal.org/project/workflow/issues/2852293#comment-15090752 💬 Is Workflow redundant now that Content Moderation+Workflows is in core? Active

🇨🇦Canada bohemier Québec city, Qc

AFAIK, there are 2 key differences between this module and the core Workflows module:

1- Workflow access: Provides a way to control access to content according to their workflow state
2- Fieldable: This module allows a workflow state to be attached as a field to an entity. Though as mentioned by SocialNicheGuru, "Now there is the workflows_field module for core workflows (http://drupal.org/project/workflows_field)" I haven't tried that module.

🇨🇦Canada bohemier Québec city, Qc

Also getting this:

- install fillpdf, enable it
- I use pdftk. Not sure if other services result in the same error
- upload a fillable pdf in admin/structure/fillpdf

field mapping screen results in the mentioned php 8.1 compatibility errors with in_array function

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