🇮🇳India @prathamesh.save

Account created on 20 December 2010, about 14 years ago

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🇮🇳India prathamesh.save

For workaround you can delete the 'show_mail_in_messages' config value using below methods:
1: drush config:get system.site // Check if this returns the show_mail_in_messages as key if yes execute below command
2: drush config:delete system.site show_mail_in_messages // this will remove the entry from config

For code, I guess need social_user module needs to update, where it is storing the values in 'system.site' this needs to be updated either to module level or "social_swiftmail.settings" in this config so that Drupal will not throw the unsupported key error(As per my research if any contrib module adds any config entry in System config Drupal throws this error).

Something like social_features/social_user/social_user.module:

function social_user_form_system_site_information_settings_submit($form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
  $config = \Drupal::configFactory()
  $config->set('show_mail_in_messages', $form_state->getValue("show_mail_in_messages"));

Above code is partial it may help developer to understand.

🇮🇳India prathamesh.save

Thanks @shailja179 in normal behavior it worked.

@smustgrave yes, I got the answer thanks.

🇮🇳India prathamesh.save

It looks like issue is still not yet resolved.

Steps to reproduce:
- Install Open Social 11.8.4 (Latest with dummy data)
- Visit /all-members page (Here you will just see the listed members, exposed filter block you will not see on right side)

For ref I have also attached the screenshot.

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