Only record unique hits in node counter stats

Created on 21 October 2006, over 18 years ago
Updated 11 February 2023, almost 2 years ago

One of my biggest long-time annoyances with Drupal is the way that the hit counter for a node behaves. The hit counter records every single page view for a node. If you reload a node/x page 10 times, then 10 hits will be recorded for that page. This is ridiculous: the hit counter system in statistics.module needs to be just a little bit more intelligent than this. It needs to identify hits that are not unique (i.e. hits from the same user/host for the same page), and to stop such hits from bumping up the counter.

Attached patch implements this checking system. With this patch, only the first hit for page 'x' from user 'y' (which can of course be an anonymous user, i.e. user 0) on host IP 'z' will increment the counter. All subsequent hits will be recognised as duplicates, and will not result in the counter being incremented. This results in 1 extra query per node page view, but the performance impact is minimal (considering that more performance-intensive INSERT queries are being run anyway, whereas this is just an extra little SELECT query). This checking only occurs if the node access log feature is enabled, because otherwise there is no way to check for non-unique page views.

Feature request





Last updated about 1 hour ago

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🇦🇺Australia Jaza

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    The change is currently missing an automated test that fails when run with the original code, and succeeds when the bug has been fixed.

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