- 🇷🇴Romania claudiu.cristea Arad 🇷🇴
This version of Drupal is not supported anymore. If this is still an issue in the
branch, please open a new up-to-date ticket. Closing.
Problem: When I create a private Feature (Only Group checked not Public), I can still see it when logged out. However, I can create a private story in the same manner associated with the same group and am correctly blocked when logged out. I checked the node_access table for both the private Feature and Story and the entries are identical (See below).
Question: What else affects node access? I had assumed that if the node access tables are identical I would see the same results but this is not what I'm experiencing. I've watched a couple of screencasts on node access and organic groups but really am a beginner when it comes to node access. I'm just not sure where else to look. Any direction would be Much appreciated!
Background: I have OG core, access control and views integration enabled. I have a custom content type "Research Project" set as my group node type and two content types set to be be standard group posts: Story and Features (custom content type created by tripal module).
- Group Details:
- Groups directory control: [2] => creator chooses, defaults to private
- Registration formm control: [3] => creator chooses, defaults to not on form
Access Control:
- Visibility of Posts: [3] => creator chooses, defaults to private
- Private Groups: [2] => admin chooses, defaults to private
When Creating Group:
- Membership Requests: [2] => Invite only,
- Private: Checked
When Creating Private Posts:
Audience: Group Name only checked
Node Access table:
nid | gid | realm | grant_view | grant_update | grant_delete
1749023 | 1749021 | og_admin | 1 | 1 | 1
1749023 | 1749021 | og_subscriber | 1 | 0 | 0
1749025 | 1749021 | og_admin | 1 | 1 | 1
1749025 | 1749021 | og_subscriber | 1 | 0 | 0
(4 rows)
where nid=1749023 is the private story and nid=1749025 is the private feature
As far as permissions registered by hook_perm:
Story is defaults ie: anonymous can access/view content
Feature has it's own perm with anonymous access/view content
Hopefully this is enough information! If you need any more just ask and I'll supply it. Again, any guidance on where else too look for the problem would be much appreciated! I understand that being a custom content type brings it's own set of problems but it's functionality is core to my website and my entire reason for implementing organic groups is to keep some of it private...
Closed: outdated
Not all content is available!
It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.
This version of Drupal is not supported anymore. If this is still an issue in the 8.x-1.x
branch, please open a new up-to-date ticket. Closing.