Document region.tpl.php (D7) in theming guide and theme update guide

Created on 30 April 2010, about 14 years ago
Updated 7 May 2023, about 1 year ago

Flagging this for now: region.tpl.php is not documented in the handbooks. Point to document: Regions are printed with a different syntax than in D6 (this is partially documented in passing on the update page, but the template itself is not addressed). of course has the nuts and bolts, but the template file itself has useful documentation that can be incorporated:

* Default theme implementation to display a region.
* Available variables:
* - $content: The content for this region, typically blocks.
* - $classes: String of classes that can be used to style contextually through
* CSS. It can be manipulated through the variable $classes_array from
* preprocess functions. The default values can be one or more of the following:
* - region: The current template type, i.e., "theming hook".
* - region-[name]: The name of the region with underscores replaced with
* dashes. For example, the page_top region would have a region-page-top class.
* - $region: The name of the region variable as defined in the theme's .info file.
* Helper variables:
* - $classes_array: Array of html class attribute values. It is flattened
* into a string within the variable $classes.
* - $is_admin: Flags true when the current user is an administrator.
* - $is_front: Flags true when presented in the front page.
* - $logged_in: Flags true when the current user is a logged-in member.

I'm blogging about theme changes and in the course will revisit this and (help) fix.

📌 Task



Missing documentation

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🇺🇸United States laura s

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