- Issue created by @timfletcher
I've upgraded from 1.x to 2.0.1@alpha in preparation for upgrading from Drupal core 10 > 11.
After upgrading the nodeacess module via Composer and exporting the updated configuration from Drupal, I noticed all settings had been emptied:
There seemed to be no changes to the data structure from 1.x > 2.x
, so I discarded the changes and re-imported the config to match my site prior to the 2.x
update. It imported without any errors/warnings.
in composer from ^1.0 > ^2.0@alpha
However, when inspecting the database table, the grants data is still present.
Selecting grants in the browser UI and saving the page updates the database, and the change is then visible in the UI when refreshing the page. Further changes to the grants in the UI are also preserved correctly.
It seems like there is a disconnect between the form rendering the data.
Ensure the grant forms correctly reflect the database records.
User interface