- Issue created by @loze
I use the content_access β module to control access to non group content in my site.
I want to be able to use og_access to control access to group content.
when content_access is not installed this module seems to work as expected. However, when content_access is installed, I am unable to get the two to play nice with each other.
If on my group node type if have access for anonymous users unchecked, and the group set to public. Anonymous users cannot view the node.
However, if I do check access for anonymous users for content_access on my group node type, then private groups are visible by anonymous/non-members.
content_access has an advanced setting for "node grants priority" however no matter what i set this to it does not make a difference.
I am rebuilding permissions and clearing cache after each time I change a setting on either and still no luck.