I have a bar chart that displays correctly, using Chart.js.
When I switch the chart to pie, I'm getting a JS error:
Uncaught TypeError: n.reduce is not a function
o plugin.legend.js:564
<anonymous> plugin.legend.js:556
_fitCols plugin.legend.js:205
_fitCols plugin.legend.js:204
fit plugin.legend.js:150
update plugin.legend.js:89
ss core.layouts.js:187
update core.layouts.js:417
_updateLayout core.controller.js:634
update core.controller.js:528
An core.controller.js:211
attach charts_chartjs.js:39
attach charts_chartjs.js:21
attachBehaviors drupal.js:166
attachBehaviors drupal.js:162
<anonymous> drupal.init.js:32
listener drupal.init.js:20
It seems related to this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/78842674/chartjs-pie-chart-with-reac...
And it seems the same issue happened with HighCharts: #3239687: Fix pie chart xaxis labels extraction for highcharts →
I'll provide a fix similar to that issue.
Chart.js integration