- Issue created by @loze
- πΊπΈUnited States loze Los Angeles
I think this needs to be handled similar to what I implemented for content blocks π Libraries attached to content block fields are not included in the editor Fixed using drupal's core ajax commands.
I will try to write a patch/MR
Also I think this is related β¨ Drupal block - Change and/or hide title Active
- πΊπΈUnited States loze Los Angeles
I've done some work here to improve the drupalblock config form in MR214 and its working for me.
The form now submits with the core drupal ajax and runs the block through the validation and submit handlers.
I borrowed a lot of this from the context modules block reaction code. That module is similar to what we are doing here, in that it allows you to configure blocks via an ajax form outside of the core block layout UI. The main difference is the context module stores the configs in actual config files while we are storing the config data in the body of the content as json.
you can see how the context module handles the bock config form here https://git.drupalcode.org/project/context/-/blob/5.x/src/Reaction/Block...
This solves my initial issue of drupal blocks config fields that use ckeditor not saving values.
This also solves the issue here β¨ Drupal block - Change and/or hide title Active because now we are including the whole block config form. It also allows other settings like items per page in views blocks and any 3rd part settings alters that were not working.